Welcome! We are glad that you have found your way to this website. It is our hope that clergy, parishes and diocesan officials find us to be a valuable resource and source of guidance during times of transition.
IMEC is a professional, church sanctioned, collegial organization composed of clergy engaged in transitional ministry. Our members are trained formally and informally to do the work of leading faith communities, throughout the church, during times of change and transition to what’s next. This is why we use the image of bridge in our logo.
We invite you to return to this site often. Reach out to us if you need something we do not currently offer and if you have suggestions regarding how we can improve on what we do, let us know. Whether you are a church in the midst of change, a diocesan official searching for an experienced transition priest, of a priest wanting to learn more about this specialized ministry we want to hear from you.
Our members are skilled in this work. Be sure to visit the Practitioner Stories on our website.
At IMEC we lean on God, and each other, as we do the work of transition. We strive for excellence and to be knowledgable and competent for “every good work” God calls us to as transition ministers. Join us as we share our collective wisdom, experience and passion for this work. Again, welcome!
Interim Ministries in the Episcopal Church (IMEC) is an association that exists to encourage and support interim ministry in the Episcopal Church. With its emphasis on training for this specialized ministry the members of IMEC work throughout the church in various situations of change and transition — helping these parishes and church-related organizations discover new possibilities for ministry.
Why is there a need for interim ministry?
While change is a part of all life, there are times when a congregation encounters extraordinary change. A variety of situations introduce this level of change – ranging from the departure of the rector to changes in the community, as well as the need to direct and manage the changes which occur during parish size transitions. The common thread that runs through all extraordinary change is that specific leadership skills are called for to address each unique situation faced by congregations during times of transition.
Who are interim ministers?
People who serve on a time-limited basis in congregations during a time of transition, with special training in change-management, conflict resolution, family systems theory and congregational development. Specifically, they are people, both lay and ordained, who are dedicated to providing the best information and services to the Episcopal Church during both ordinary and extraordinary transitions.
What does IMEC do?
IMEC is a professional organization which is committed to providing resources that will be of assistance and support to congregations in transition. In addition, IMEC supports trained Professional Transition Specialists (PTS), many of whom are willing to work in almost any geographic location.
IMEC Supports:
IMEC encourages its members to continually increase their professional skills by receiving specialized training, either through the educational offerings of the Interim Ministry Network (IMN) in Baltimore, MD; Clergy Leadership Institute (CDI) or under the auspices of similar organizations that provide programs in these areas. On-going education in transitional ministry allows members of IMEC to offer to congregations the necessary specialized leadership appropriate for interim times.